The Sisters will be featuring the “Living Consecrated Life” conversations at Both newer Sisters in formation and longtime vowed Sisters have come from ‘the East Coast, West Coast and North Coast’ to the Fresh Coast of Northeast Wisconsin joining the Franciscan Community.
Sisters featured in the six part series are: Sister Carmen Marie Diaz, Professed Sister (Translator Green Bay Diocese) Home Archdiocese, Los Angeles CA; Sr Anne Turba Professed Sister (Nurse Practitioner) Home Diocese Green Bay; Sister Concepcion Medina, Temporary Professed Sister (Nursing Student) Home Diocese: San Angelo Texas; Sister Maria Guadalupe Martinez Lopez Temporary Professed Sister (Student) Home Diocese: Raleigh North Carolina; Sister Carol Seidl, Professed Sister (recently Principal at St Anthony School, Casa Grande Az ), Home Diocese Green Bay Wisconsin; Sister Mary Jane Schwartz, Novice Sister, Home Diocese Marquette Michigan.
Sr. Carmen Marie Diaz noted “What I was learning as a novice really has carried through in my life, in what I needed to be and still be myself.
Sr. Maria Guadalupe Martinez Lopez agreed “We have our own personality and have to be able to care for one another and accept others and be ourselves. When I was discerning Religious Life in a more serious way it was ‘going to the deep’. It was Jesus asking Peter to go into the deep. Because I was just looking for a Community that was close to my home and in that gospel, I felt like the priest was saying just like Jesus told Peter don’t be afraid to go into the deep, to look, to go where God is sending you even if it is far away so that really inspired me.”
Spring 2022 Retreats and Resources include: Design Your Own Convent Visit at our Wisconsin Motherhouse or one of our convents in the U.S. for a portion of a day or a few days while discerning God’s call. Meet those in Initial Formation, also many of our Sisters who have lived our Franciscan vocation and have experiences to share.
Called to Pray with Saints Francis and Clare: Join us for this Franciscan-focused virtual retreat, with a conference each evening and individual spiritual direction. Discern how God is working in your life and calling you. Franciscan Sister Anne Marie Lom facilitates this discernment event.
‘Liturgy of the Hours’ Zoom Workshop to explore the history of this Prayer and how to pray more attentively and meaningfully.
For those discerning a calling to consecrated life, Sisters are available for in person proximity meetings or phone conversations
About Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity
Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity serve in Catholic Health Care, Education, Parishes and Campus Ministry outreach in the Southwest, Central and Upper Midwest United States. Learn more about the Franciscan Sisters’ latest ministries and vocations at