
Why you should buy a converted vehicle from Brotherwood Automobility

If you or your loved one is a wheelchair user and are becoming frustrated about how difficult it can often be to arrange transport from one place to another, you may have been looking into alternative ways of getting around.

If so, it is important that you take your time to consider the different options that are available to you, and why we think that purchasing one of the excellent value wheelchair accessible vehicles from Brotherwood Automobility may be the best solution.

While it is possible to adapt the front passenger seat of your current car, doing so can be costly, time consuming and result in reduced comfort. It is important to remember that choosing this option will usually mean the wheelchair user will have to be transferred into the seat from a standing position, which obviously creates potential difficulty. With the new and used wheelchair cars available from Brotherwood, however, the hydraulic lift or ramp that will be fitted to your vehicle as standard allows for uncomplicated, seated access.

With adapted seats, the disabled passenger will usually have to wait between eight and 12 minutes to be fully loaded onto their vehicle, and cannot have any back, shoulder or heart problems. Both of these issues are solved through Brotherwood’s specially converted cars, however, with waiting times dramatically reduced and comfort maximised, whatever the passenger’s medical condition.

About Brotherwood Automobility

Brotherwood Automobility are a specialist company that have been converting vehicles into Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles since 1985.

The company, which now has 58 members of staff and a turnover of more than £7 million, converts vehicles to allow wheelchair users across the world to travel seated in their wheelchairs. It exports internationally as far as Australia, Asia and South Africa, as well as to Europe.

The company also buys back and refurbishes used vehicles for resale.

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Phone: 01935 872603