
"Why Isn’t Randi M Sherman’s Novel, ‘The Lobby’ a Movie Yet?"

Award Winning Novel’s BIG & Fabulous and The Lobby will be at the Frankfurt Books Fair October 11-15 Look for Randi M Sherman’s Hilarious books, BIG & Fabulous and The Lobby in Hall 6.0 booth B5 (Foreword Reviews’ booth). Or,

Swing by Booth B5 in Hall 6.0 – Both 2017’s BIG & Fabulous, The Life and Times of Brenda Cankles and 2016’s The Lobby are available for all options and foreign rights.

The emphasis is on positive self-image as Sherman combines with her bold, funny insight and a bitingly smart character and this important message. Inside the covers of BIG & Fabulous, The Life and Times of Brenda Cankles (Friesen Press; January 2017), readers will find no shortage of acidly hilarious accounts of the highs and lows of living life in a big and fabulous body.

Reminiscent of Grand Hotel and Neil Simon’s California Suite, THE LOBBY (Friesen Press; March 2016) by Randi M. Sherman, sheds a hilarious spotlight on the comings and goings of anonymous people who come to life in the lobby of the grand Shipley Hotel. 50 Intersecting stories, taking place over a single 24 hour period and in one location, The Lobby. Practically engineered for eavesdropping, San Francisco’s juiciest hotel lobby offers the perfect place to witness the lives—and the most comedic intersections off staff, long-term residents, and eclectic guests.

The Lobby and BIG & Fabulous are Sherman’s fourth and fifth books. Caroline Starts Over and The Truth About Caroline were published in 2014 and 2015, and Paula Takes a Risk was released in 2012. Visit

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Name: Randi M Sherman
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