Why is Egyptian under White, on the number 7 on the 2020 Census?
It has never been under White before. I work with underprivileged kids; I am fact checking. That would take money from families who really need it and give it to those with money and opportunity.
If you ever seen, Egyptology on TV or read about Egyptians. You will see, all the Egyptians painted on the walls are not just Black, they are JET BLACK on most. How did the White House, get White out of Egyptians?
Ethiopians are under Black and African. The Egyptians and Ethiopians are Blood Brothers. How is this possible?
They are bothers, same father Ham.
Ham, which means (burnt, swarthy, Black) Who was the father of, Kush/Cush, Mizraim, Phut, Canaan.
Mizraim (which means Egypt), Egypt was also called the land of Ham.
Cush the father of the Ethiopians. Mizraim the father of the Egyptians.
Fact-checking the facts, 2020 Census, Hands for Hope, Inner City Hope,