There are many things to consider when buying a car, not the least of which is budget. Perusing the used car market means you can spend quite a bit less, and still have a wide variety of options to choose from. But is it worth the risk? CarBuzz will help you decide if that used Mazda is right for you.
Trust the Numbers
Statistics show that more people in the USA are buying used cars than ever before; the effects of the global pandemic and the quarantine imposed contributes to this. With many people struggling to make ends meet, it’s much more sensible to buy a more affordable used car like a used Dodge, than splurging on brand-new.
Why Second-hand Cars?
CarBuzz offers a breakdown of advantages and disadvantages to buying used cars:
Cheaper pricing means a better car, albeit older
Depreciation hit absorbed by original owner
No hidden costs
Large variety to choose from
Potential warranty gains
Finance is not always possible
Can’t customize with options
Maintenance is out of pocket in older cars
Potential problems not listed in the history provided
Buying a Used Car
Determining a budget is vital and allows you to compare prices on numerous forums. CarBuzz offers a user-friendly search function that allows you to find used cars near you that will fit the parameters you select. A Fair Deal rating scale also helps identify whether the pricing on cars like a used Ford is reasonable or not. Consider taking a mechanic to view the car to confirm whether it is mechanically sound.
If You Buy Cars Online
There are many risks to buying a car online, not the least of which is the potential for being scammed. For this reason, it is recommended that you search various sites and compare a few options across various locations. This will help you identify the best car for your needs, whether it’s a used Tesla or a pre-owned pickup truck. Ensure you view the vehicle, request a service history, and confirm paperwork is in order.
About CarBuzz
CarBuzz provides a complete Buyer’s Guide and BuzzScore rating system to help buyers make purchasing decisions by means of comprehensive reviews, a comparison tool, and car finder function.