In his international techno and political thriller, TWILIGHT VISITOR, a book which has been compared to the best of Dan Brown and Jack Higgins, and comparable to a Tom Clancy thriller, author Réal Laplaine presents an all-too-real scenario, an event which sparks a nuclear confrontation which shows us how powerless world leaders would actually become in the face of a real nuclear threat.
“The story races along with (the) pace of a Tom Clancy thriller but the depth of the plot is rich in complexities philosophical ideas. Laplaine has a good descriptive style that never interferes with the flow of the narrative as he builds highly credible scenarios that give the reader a true feeling that this is all too close for comfort. Highly recommended for readers who like fast paced thrillers but with an ingenious twist.”
About Author, Real Laplaine
Twilight Visitor, a global thriller … comparable with the best of Dan Brown or Jack Higgins.