With over 1.3 Billion people and the second largest GDP in the world, China may be a market you should consider extending your company brand into for the future. PRunderground.com has made it easy to have your press release translated into Chinese by a native speaker, and published to 1 news site that will be indexed in Baidu, the Google of China. One thing to note, they won’t publish hyperlinks, but you can put in an un-linked text URL in the press release so people can find your business. (SEE ALL IMPORTANT NOTES BELOW BEFORE ORDERING)
We tested this several times for the PRunderground business and were picked up in these news sites in Chinese.
- https://www.globepv.com/caijing/06/2859732.html
- https://info.mc.hc360.com/2020/06/2911207541.shtml
- https://www.hbsztv.com/baiye/Life/2020/0629/792537.html
- https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1670917937035654083
- https://www.dayinmao.com/xinwen/show-3405.html
- https://xinwen.gongxuku.com/c2438.html
- https://www.appnz.com/kuaixun/20200630_2007659.html
We then also found the PRunderground name and brand could be found when searching in Baidu, the Google of China! https://www.baidu.com/s?ie=utf-8&f=8&rsv_bp=1&rsv_idx=1&tn=baidu&wd=%22prunderground%22
China is too big to ignore for many of our businesses, and publishing a press release to a Chinese news site is a good baby-step for your brand in that market.
VERY Important Notes:
- Your press release will be translated into a 300-word version in Chinese. It will capture the general point of your press release but will be tailored to be 300 words to be credible and meet the Chinese market.
- No hyperlinks are allowed but one text URL is ok.
- It will be picked up in 1 Chinese news site that is indexed in Baidu. We do not know which site it will be up front.
- The turnaround time is approximately 1 week to get your pickup link sent to you.
- Obviously we can not guarantee you will get sales from this. This is for forward thinking companies who want their brand found in China.
- We can not change, refund or recall these press releases.
- Additional cost is $50
How to do it:
- Submit your press release as you normally would, but select the China upgrade.
- In approximately 1 week you will get an email with a link to your press release on a Chinese news website.