Many entrepreneurs fail to realize that a great product or service is not enough to stay profitable. As discovered and reported by several studies, a staggering 50% of small businesses fail during the first year, while 95% of them fail in the next five years due to a variety of reasons.
Importance of Productivity for Small Businesses
It is important to note that most small businesses tend to fail due to low productivity. As absurd as it may seem, productivity makes all the difference in the world for such businesses. Productivity is not restricted to profits and revenues alone. It is has more to do with enhancing overall production, all the while reducing costs. There are numerous ways businesses can go about making this possible, and one such way is by making use of business VPNs.
How Does PureVPN Help Small Businesses In Terms of Productivity?
PureVPN is secure; there is no doubt about it. There are several PureVPN reviews on the web confirming the same. The VPN makes it easier for businesses to function without having to worry about hackers, cyber criminals and corporate espionage, so businesses are able to operate more freely.
Since PureVPN offers encryption, businesses are not left to worry about online security. PureVPN’s Business VPN Solution for small businesses for instance, not only makes it easier for businesses to browse freely, but it offers 256-bit encryption along with numerous protocols, thus making it easier for businesses to operate the way they want, from wherever and whenever they want.
Alternative Benefits of PureVPN’s Business VPN
Besides protecting businesses from hackers, cybercriminals and third-party agencies, there are other benefits to look forward to, which are as follows:
Small Businesses Are Easier to Scale
Since small businesses have limited resources when it comes to handling security issues, PureVPN can help them overcome this problem. PureVPN lowers the initial investment of time and equipment to add new systems to the corporate network and makes it easier for a small business to scale.
Remote Employees Can Broaden a Small Business’ Horizon
Those days are long gone when employees had to report to a physical location to get work done, as the number of remote workers has grown drastically. Apart from making it easier for small businesses to create such an environment via a dedicated IP, which greatly decreases overheads, it serves as a perfect contingency plan at the same time.
Serves as a Perfect Contingency Plan for Emergencies
If for any reason there is a problem, like a natural disaster where a location is offline and vice versa, with the help of PureVPN-enabled notebooks, small businesses can replace their physical workplace with a virtual one, and they can do so in a short amount of time.
Ensures Ease of Access
PureVPN is fully capable of replacing remote access servers and dial-up network connections. Previously, it was necessary for businesses to ensure its employees were connected to its intranet. Now, all users need to do is to connect to PureVPN’s server, thus making the whole process simpler and cost efficient than before.
An Effective Tool Against Cyber Attacks
Seeing how businesses are under constant threat from cybercriminals and hackers, as evident by the recent DDoS attacks, it is imperative that businesses take necessary precautionary measures to prevent such an incident from taking place. Fortunately, businesses can easily make this possible with PureVPN. Not only will all of its users and their IP addresses be masked, but they will not have to worry about compromising their clients’ information and privacy in the process either.
About PureVPN
PureVPN is a leading VPN service that was established with the aim of providing users with complete internet freedom. Founded back in 2007, it boasts 6,500+ servers in 180 locations worldwide and has an ever-growing community of over three million users. The Hong Kong-based VPN provider offers an extensive set of streaming-centric features, accessible through its dedicated apps, and enjoys a stellar reputation of being one of the fastest VPNs in the market.