We’ve always made sure that it’s easy for any customers to get information about John Fowler Holiday Parks when they need it. That’s why you can discover plenty of details about any John Fowler caravan park on our website, simply by navigating to it.
However, there’s now another way for you to get all the information you need. We’ve been sending out brochures to anybody who requests them (completely free of charge) for years, but now you can view the entire thing online as well! Just click the ‘Download Now’ link on the John Fowler Holiday Parks home page in the ‘View our Brochure’ section.
You can navigate between pages, read all about our parks and see everything that you can in the actual brochure right on your screen! There’s no waiting around for it to be brought to you by post. You can even save it to your computer so you can access it whenever you like.
Editor’s Notes:
John Fowler Holidays have parks throughout Somerset, Devon and Cornwall, all with excellent facilities for a family holiday. Every park is within walking distance of a beach, and some even have their own private beaches.
To book, contact John Fowler Holidays on 01271 866766 or visit www.johnfowlerholidays.com