
Vicki Mora Sees Bright Future for New Mexico’s Construction Industry says Construction Reporter

Vicki Mora sees a bright future for the New Mexico Construction Industry and is doing all she can to promote that future through cultivation of the next generation of industry workers and professionals.

She is also an active promoter of a “business-friendly” environment across New Mexico.  She says that the state is not currently viewed as being a pro-business state, due to perceived imbalances in public procurement vs. private procurement.

Mora came to her currrent position from the bottom up, having answered an ad right after graduating from the former Albuquerque Technical Vocational Institute (now CNM) for a book keeper for AGC, and soon found herself on the groups leadership track.

She has been instrumental in providing opportunities for young people to pursue a career in the construction industry through initiatives including opening in 2010 the charter ACE (Architecture Construction Engineering) High School in Old Town Albuquerque.

“This is not about having another vocational school,” says Mora, “but it is about exposing young people to the entire profession. That’s why we were very deliberate about its name—architecture, construction and engineering.”

Full article here.

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