
VCM Holding LLC Signs Contract with FHOKE Limited for AutoDeets Website Overhaul

Simply acquiring one of the largest car care platforms on the internet was never the end game for VCM Holding LLC. They had immediate plans to improve the user experience & update content, and they didn’t waste any time in doing so. Simply take a look at a few of the top-ranked articles on the best fuel injector cleaner or the best windshield wipers, and the results are immediately noticeable.

A major part of the acquisition plan was to update the branding package & to also provide AutoDeets users with a much easier to navigate website.

“While the previous owner certainly did a great job building out some of the core elements of the site, we felt that we could immediately make a big improvement by updating the branding & navigation of the site. This will allow users to browse different articles much more easily, while also boosting the number of return visitors.” – Joe Scott, CEO of VCM Holding LLC.

That overhaul that CEO Joe Scott refers to includes bringing an award-winning agency into the fold. VCM Holding recently signed a contract with FHOKE Limited to provide a much-needed facelift to AutoDeets over the coming months.

“Acquiring AutoDeets was a critical acquisition for VCM in achieving our growth objectives for 2018. You can expect rapid improvements to help user experience on the site, many of which are already underway. This is simply one of the many phases planned for 2018 as we continue to expand our reach.” – Chris Gezella, COO of Vault Cargo Management

Needless to say, there are some very aggressive plans for VCM Holding LLC with their portfolio of companies. With AutoDeets & Vault Cargo Management publishing an incredible 35,000 words of content each week, you can certainly expect to see much more from both companies this year.

From Vault Cargo Management’s camping series to more product reviews on AutoDeets, it is clear that simply posting content isn’t the end game for VCM Holding. As numerous copycat companies spring up around the world employing tricks & questionable tactics to try to gain an edge, VCM Holding LLC continues to play the long game to position themselves as a company that will be around for decades to come.

While they aren’t quite ready to talk about the next phases of their plan quite yet, it’s readily apparent that 2018 is shaping up to be a huge year for them.

More information about Vault Cargo Management LLC can be found on the website, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

Detailed information about Auto Deets and best auto care tips are also available on the website.

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