In an age of tumultuous global upheavals it’s easy to forget that real and lasting change comes from within. And in an era where seekers of such change have been inundated with spiritual paths and information, it’s nearly impossible to navigate truth claims with any discernment. Now, acclaimed author Jeremy Vaeni is ready to cut through all the ways we’ve been taught and share with us a refreshingly simple means to authentic and total spiritual transcendence. All you have to do, he says, is undo. That’s why he’s formed the multimedia site
Vaeni explains, “We’re living out of balance, all of us in the Westernized world. Some of us live too much in our heads and not enough in our hearts. Some of us live too much in our hearts and repress the rest. There’s a proper alignment within ourselves that needs to occur if we’re to understand true human nature. Currently, we set the good stuff outside ourselves as ideals and say all the bad stuff is human nature. That’s just wrong. And there’s a way out. There’s a way to undo it if you know how to listen properly. I think I can teach people to listen and say the thing they need to hear at the same time.”
But is it really that easy? Vaeni is emphatic, “Yes! But it’s so simple it’s right under our noses all the time! We’ve had thousands of years to miss it. I’m giving us a shot to get it right. But that’s all it is–a shot. There are no guarantees with this stuff, unfortunately. But everything about is meticulously designed to wake us up. I think it’s got to be the first website where you could wake up by reading the About page!” launches today.
About Jaylon Productions, LLC
Jaylon Productions, LLC brings speakers, musicians, and films to the Big Island of Hawaii that are entertaining, deeply moving, and enrich our sense of wonder in the world, while not costing the audience a fortune.