
Upcoming Impactful Connection Workshops

Dating Coach Johnny Cassell has recently announced two more impactful workshops in London, UK and Los Angeles, USA. The London workshop will be held in Central London on 25th June 2022, and the Los Angeles Workshop will be held on 26th November 2022.

About Johnny

For those that are new to the field of dating, you might be wondering who on earth Johnny Cassell is? Well, he’s a leading global dating coach providing dating training and personal development services around the world to students on both an individual and group basis.

Johnny himself started off with issues around approaching women and used to get frustrated by not being able to ‘clinch the deal’. Years of hard work and dedication enabled Johnny to rectify these issues quickly through analysing human behaviour, watching, learning and getting himself out there to really unlock his full potential.

From here, Johnny has really honed these skills, and through breaking down the process and studying Johnny was set on a path to really maximise his success with women, and to then to be able to help others achieve the same.

Do I need a Dating Coach?

A question that many of us will ask in the course of our time using dating apps. For those of us that feel things are just moving too slowly, with little or no success, then the answer is more than likely a resounding YES!

Johnny’s dating workshops have built up a huge following around the world, and his team of dating experts will help students work on a wide range of different personal development skills  as well as dating skills which will come in handy not only for dating but also for both business and personal life. These include:

– Confidence Training and Self-Esteem
– Conversation Techniques and Tonality
– Mastering Body Language and Non Verbal Communication
– Dealing with Social Anxiety and/or Shyness
– Chat Up Lines / Indirect and Direct Conversation Openers
– Methods to Project Positivity
– Self Image
– Creating your Dating Profile and developing strategy and goals

If you want to find out more about our upcoming London or Los Angeles Impactful Workshops, please contact Johnny or a member of the team through the website on livechat or please call Johnny directly on +44 7595 934 219.

About Johnny Cassell Ltd

Johnny Cassell is the leading human behaviourist and dating coach for men. Johnny provides dating coaching and personal development to students looking to unlock their full potential with personal development and dating.

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Name: Johnny Cassell
Phone: 02087980975