
UNM Joins Albuquerque 2030 District To Spur Carbon Neutral Future says Construction Reporter

Ed Mazria is thrilled to see that Albuquerque is making giant strides toward establishment of a formal 2030 District.  His Santa Fe based firm, Architecture 2030 has already supported such great cities as Seattle, Pittsbug, and San Francisco in becoming full-fledged districts.

The move promises to bring much-needed new construction jobs to downtown Albuquerque.

‘We’re excited to see the progress that Albuquerque is making towards becoming the first fully established 2030 District in New Mexico – Architecture 2030’s home state. The 2030 District approach of private-sector led groups working towards high-performance building districts is a proven model that leads to a range of benefits for our downtown urban areas,” says Mazria.

Albuquerque became an Emerging 2030 District last fall, and this February has taken two major steps toward full District Status: UNM has committed a major portion of its campus–9.7 million square feet of property–for the project, and a local nonprofit has adopted the initiative and assigned an Executive Director to move it forward.

A 2030 District is a collaborative network of property owners, professionals, and public partners that aim for 50% reduction of energy, water, and transportation footprint by 2030 and net zero in all new properties.

The Foundation for Living is the nonprofit that will move the District forward, with Mike Cecchini as 2030 District Executive Director.

Cecchini believes the 2030 District will spur the local construction economy.

“Although the construction industry has struggled in the recent years, we believe this initiative will help stimulate the refurbishing of a somewhat obsolete inventory of existing buildings in the downtown corridor. ”

Twenty downtown building owners have commited their properties to the project, and the focal area at this stage is shaped by the two urban centers of downtown and UNM, and the Central Avenue corridor that connects them.

Read full article here.

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