
Uiee launches “World’s smallest all-in-one phone charger”

The need for charging phones and other devices has become somewhat of a necessity nowadays with smartphones that have larger, more powerful screens and faster speeds using up more and more power.There have been many new products that are aimed at allowing people to charge their phones on the go and these products are becoming smaller and smaller, to the extent where some have even become pocket sized.

The most recent entry into the market is a portable charger, called Uiee. It’s both a portable battery and wall charger allowing people to charge on-the-go and also at home.It features a retractable cable (available for micro-usb or apple’s lightning connector). There are also fold-out prongs for plugging it into a wall socket and a clip at the back for clipping it to belt’s, pockets, or bag straps.

It’s one of the first all-in-one charger’s to become wearable.It has joined the growing group of pocket sized chargers and has aimed to take this trend one step further by losing the need for carrying a separate cable, its reason for introducing a built-in cable. The product features a round curvy design, as opposed to the traditional block shaped one. The built-in battery is expected to give the average phone around three hours of extra power.

It’s available in three different styles; Persian blue, Crimson red and Forest green. It comes in a U.S. version and an E.U. version. It’s currently being launched on indiegogo for pre-order at a special price of $40 for early customers with the standard price at $50.

About Uiee

Uiee is a consumer electronics business, focusing on products for life on-the-go.

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