Tutor Pace has come up with an innovative idea to help parents and students learn about the structure of online classes and help them decide if the online math tutor is the right fit for their needs.
The free trial sessions aim to familiarise the students with the format of the classes and also see if the tutor and the format of teaching being employed caters to their educational needs. If a student is looking for math lessons, he/she can sign up for the free trial session and get firsthand experience and learn a specific topic from the tutor for a duration of 30 minutes. This will help them gauge the effectiveness of the medium, their comfort level with the tutor and thus decide if they can continue with this medium of learning.
This is indeed a good attempt from Tutor Pace as it endeavours to cater to the pain points and hesitation that students and parents experience with the online medium. The free trial would serve to assuage fears about the effectiveness of the online platform for learning while also helping the students interact with the tutors and see how comfortable they feel during the sessions and so on.
Phil, a student who took up the 30 minute trial session says, “I was excited about the idea of a free trial as it would help me decide if this is indeed a good option for me. I was skeptical at first before I went in for the session and wasn’t confident that I would opt for an online math tutor. However, when I interacted with the tutor during the session, I felt comfortable and by the end of the session, he had made me understand one of the toughest subjects I’ve been pretty much uncomfortable with all my life! I learnt that the tutor was easily approachable and I found it easier to voice my doubts than in class here as only the tutor and I were there. Loved the demo concept ”
Another interesting aspect of the free demo session is that it exposes the students to the tools that online tutors employ to teach such as interactive whiteboards. They can see for themselves as to how effective these are and feel the difference in learning when compared to jam packed classrooms. In short, free trial sessions with an best online math tutor are the best option available to students and help them decide if this kind of learning is suited to their taste. A good effort from Tutor Pace that is sure to be well received by the student community.
About Tutor Pace, Inc.
Tutor Pace is a renowned Texas based online tutoring service provider accredited by the Texas State Law offering the best solutions in online tutoring to students across the globe. Our Mission is to offer outstanding guidance and affordable education to our students round the clock through our sophisticated online tutoring system. Having invested years in finding innovative study programs that are creative, we help students to learn in a systematic and effective manner so that they can master their subjects. For more information about Tutor Pace visit: https://www.tutorpace.com/ Or Email us: customercare@tutorpace.com or Call us: 1-800-665-6601