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The Way Knight: A Tale of Revolution!

Industry: Education

New fantasy novel exposes the terrifying perils faced by teenagers and warns against silencing protest and dissent.

Portsmouth, United Kingdom (PRUnderground) November 2nd, 2015

A Portsmouth based youth worker exposes the frightening perils faced by teenagers in his dark fantasy novel The Way Knight: A Tale of Revenge and Revolution. The Way Knight is the story of a damaged, impulsive young woman, abandoned by her mother and let down by corrupt authorities, in a world not unlike our own. Her struggle inspires a revolution.

Author Alexander Wallis, whose mental health workshops have helped thousands of young people, felt that this story had to be told. ‘Corruption at the top increases the chances of radicalisation and crime. We point the finger at the troubled youth and say “you are broken” without understanding with how selfish society seems from their perspective.’

The Way Knight was written in response to disturbing things Wallis witnessed as a youth worker, particularly among young people who were regularly putting their lives in danger – and the way in which authorities sometimes exasperated their problems.

Wallis was one of thousands of youth workers whose projects were closed under austerity. He wrote The Way Knight to ‘provoke people, to recall the innocence of having questions instead of opinions, to take stock of all the moral compromises we make. To make a new myth, about young people, that has parallels with our modern world.’

Daimonia, heroine of The Way Knight.jpgThe Way Knight: A Tale of Revenge and Revolution is available now on Kindle and in paperback.



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