The pandemic has adversely affected the global economy, infrastructure, and society. Its massive, detrimental impact and rather slow recovery processes have caused economic and social uncertainty and led to increased fear of another financial and economic crisis. Furthermore, the current situation has posed a lot of serious challenges to all companies, regardless of size and industry. In order to ensure the resilience of their businesses, companies have been forced to take proactive steps in optimizing business processes; adopting remote work models, and rethinking their development strategies. And, though some businesses managed to emerge from the present-day economic woes stronger than before, most faced considerable staff cuts, tighter project timelines, and budget reductions (especially in terms of marketing).
Apart from establishing new standards of living, the crisis has undoubtedly put the digital technologies at the forefront of the modern economy. As a result, in addition to implementing quarantine measures and mobilizing their resources, countries worldwide have encouraged businesses to reorganize their working process and to set a course for digitization. A prime example is Germany’s strategy, where the local government has established programs to support businesses in these difficult times, promptly putting innovative digital solutions into practice.
In response to the situation, many companies have started making their first moves towards digitization by adopting open-source solutions to keep their businesses afloat. As practice shows, more often than not, the businesses resort to open-source CRM implementation. The reason for this lies in its functionality and affordability. Open-source CRM software does not require a huge investment, and can be customized to fit the needs of a particular industry. Along with providing a broad set of features for sales and marketing automation, customer support, and accurate reporting, the platforms also allow companies to organize distance work in the short-term, mitigating any hardships they encounter, and keep up with their projects while staying safe and healthy.
The modern IT market abounds with open-source solutions, with more than 10 open-source CRM projects. The source code, new releases, update packages, and bug fixes are published on such popular platforms as GitHub and SourceForge, where they can be downloaded for free by anyone. Many open-source CRMs have already become household names, widely recognizable all over the globe; some are young and dynamically evolving. One of the examples of an actively developing open-source project with an enthusiastic community behind it is EspoCRM. It is a comprehensive customer relationship management solution that ensures a collaborative environment across your company’s various departments, providing a complete, shared view of customers, leads, projects, and more. The software is regularly updated, and its new version—6.0.0—has been announced to be released in October 2020.
There is no doubt that this crisis has accelerated the digital transformation of business. Companies were forced to react quickly and start playing the game according to new rules. Implementing open-source software provides businesses an opportunity not only to survive the storm but also to gain the extra points needed to remain on top in the post-COVID-19 world.
About EspoCRM
EspoCRM is an open-source customer relationship management (CRM) web application that allows to see, enter and evaluate all company’s relationships regardless of the type. People, companies or opportunities – all in an easy and intuitive interface.