Teton Gravity Research (TGR), renowned for its groundbreaking action sports films, announces a compelling new documentary that follows the extraordinary journey of Kai Jones, one of skiing’s youngest and most daring stars. “Kai Jones’ Falling Into Place” explores Kai’s life-threatening, potentially career-ending injury in the backcountry of Wyoming and his inspiring path to recovery and self-discovery.
Born into the legendary action sports production company co-founded by his father, acclaimed filmmaker Todd Jones, Kai seemed destined for greatness on the slopes. At just twelve years old, he turned professional, quickly earning global recognition. At the age of fourteen, Kai received his first of 4 consecutive Skier of the Year nominations at the IF3 Awards Festival. Through viral videos showcasing his fearless style and extraordinary talent, he became a celebrated figure in freeskiing, redefining what was possible for someone so young.
On March 7, 2023, at the age of sixteen, Kai’s trajectory took a devastating turn. While skiing in Wyoming’s remote backcountry, he suffered a life-threatening and potentially career-ending injury. What followed was an arduous journey of multiple surgeries, grueling rehabilitation, and the daunting process of relearning how to walk. Yet perhaps the greatest challenge Kai faced was confronting whether he could—or even wanted to—return to the sport that had defined his life.
This documentary provides an intimate and unfiltered look at Kai’s journey. Through raw moments of physical and mental struggle, the film transcends the traditional sports narrative to explore themes of resilience, determination, and a young man’s search for purpose. Viewers witness Kai’s highs and lows, from his efforts to regain strength to his reflections on the future of his skiing career.
“This journey has been the biggest test of my life,” Kai said. “Getting back on my feet after the accident took everything I had, physically and mentally. This film captures all of it—the highs, the lows, and the doubts. I hope it shows people that no matter how tough things get, there’s always a way forward.”
The documentary offers a profound window into Kai’s life, highlighting his fight to overcome physical and emotional hurdles as he reclaims his place in the freeskiing world.
“Kai Jones’ Falling Into Place” is currently available to stream on Red Bull TV and rent or purchase on Teton Gravity Research TV.
- TGRtv App: Available for free download on iOS and Android devices
- TGRtv is available on smart TV apps: Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV, Roku, Android TV
Falling Into Place is coming to Apple TV and Amazon Prime in the winter of 2025.
- Film Title: Kai Jones’ Falling into Place
- Trailer Link: https://youtu.be/y-e0XD8Gv2A
- Falling Into Place Film Page: https://tetongravity.com/kaijonesmovie
- Rent, purchase, and download: https://tgrtv.tetongravity.com/
- TRT: 60 minutes
- Release Date: December 3rd
About Teton Gravity Research
Teton Gravity Research (TGR) is regarded as one of the world’s premier outdoor action, adventure, and lifestyle brands. TGR is known for original and branded content, lifestyle apparel and optics, and worldwide events. TGR’s best-in-class storytelling has captivated audiences for 29 years. With 50+ award-winning films, numerous television series, and national commercial spots, TGR delivers a global, multi-channel footprint. Teton Gravity Research is one of the fastest-growing outdoor media and lifestyle brands with a thriving millennial audience, award-winning multimedia film projects, a rapidly growing experiential platform, and unprecedented viral content.
TGR is a proud member of the Surfrider Foundation, 1% For The Planet, BICEP, IMBA, and Protect Our Winters. For more information on TGR, visit Teton Gravity Research.