Techno-Thriller THE DECEPTION PEOPLE Will Make You Question 9/11
Industry: Books
THE DECEPTION PEOPLE takes the reader behind the curtain of America's NSA and DOD, suggesting that the acts of "terrorism" today are not always what they appear.
Gothenburg (PRUnderground) August 7th, 2015
Techno-Thriller, THE DECEPTION PEOPLE, by the author of TWILIGHT VISITOR – Réal Laplaine, takes the reader on a thrill ride as one man, through a bizarre out-of-body experience, discovers a plot by high-ranking officials of the US government to launch another “terrorist” attack against America in order to fuel their agenda for more war.

About Author, Real Laplaine
Twilight Visitor, a global thriller … comparable with the best of Dan Brown or Jack Higgins.