Posts Tagged: iPhone 11 Pro Skins

Slickwraps takes it old school with the iWrap

Posted filed under Technology.

Let’s travel back the year is 1998, Steve Jobs and Apple have just announced the most iconic
personal computer of the ’90s and early 2000’s the iMac G3. The iWraps skin is available in 5
vibrant colors and transforms the back of any iPhone into a vibrant re-imagining of old and new
Apple designs living in harmony.

Slickwraps: a clear way to protect your new iPhone 11! 

Posted filed under Technology.

Yesterday, Apple released three new devices as part of their new iPhone 11 line-up of phones. One thing that shocked everyone was the vast amount of colors Apple released with the new iPhone 11. Looking past just purchasing a new iPhone 11 is thinking about how you’re going to protect this piece of Cupertino gold…. Read more »