A beautiful woman, a ruggedly handsome man sit at a candlelit, romantic restaurant for dinner. It is their first date. As they share a glass of wine, the woman asked, after looking at the menu, “What is good here?”
The man said, “I thought you said you had been here before…?”
Readers will know something is going on when she says, “I have, but not to eat.”
This very fine restaurant was once the county morgue. When the county began to get more bodies than they could accommodate between death and funerals; they purchased more land and built a bigger morgue. A restaurant entrepreneur bought the property and turned it into a four-star dining establishment…keeping the body drawers for storage. The hero asks no further questions; thinking she was here as an employee, to write a review about it; or perhaps sell advertising; however, the reader will begin to wonder if it is too silly to imagine she was here…in a drawer?
The reoccurrence of typical mysterious and unexplainable happenings such as doors opening and closing on their own, things that appear and disappear with no excuse, noises, and odd comments from some of the characters happen frequently enough to become acceptable to our hero. When he finally concedes that he is not crazy; but that there is a solution here for everything, the hunt for a plausible answer is on in earnest.
Ghosts, magic, and unanswered mysteries abound in this fiction novel. There are no transparent floating images; but ghosts who are indistinguishable from regular people…unless the reader is adept at reading the clues. A story within the story provides an abandoned child who is miraculously left at the door of a childless couple who yearn for a child; ghosts with admirable purposes and wonderful gifts and proof of an afterlife with the convincing possibility of contact between the living and the dead.
Copies of Old-Fashioned Girl are available at all major booksellers, including Black Rose Writing, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble
Print and Electronic review copies available upon request
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Black Rose Writing is an independent publishing house that strongly believes in developing a personal relationship with their authors. The Texas-based publishing company doesn’t see authors as clients or just another number on a page, but rather as individual people… people who deserve an honest review of their material and to be paid traditional royalties without ever paying any fees to be published.