
Stem Cell Warrior Tapped to Share Tips, Secrets & Insights by "Tell All" Bolen Report

At a time in which medical consumers are increasingly seeking out news and information denied them by mainstream media outlets, many have discovered the Bolen Report and its many distinguished  contributing writers and their insightful articles. In keeping with this publication’s passion for dissecting the healthcare system in North America and bringing often nontraditional but viable alternatives to light, award winning integrative physician David A. Steenblock, D.O. has agreed to lend his expertise and keyboard to this effort.

In the short time since Dr. Steenblock agreed to begin providing content to the Bolen Report, he has had 2 articles published. Here are links to these plus excerpts:

Out With the Bad, In With The Good!

“Not surprisingly, the most strident voices advocating regulating innovation (progress) in adult stem cell use has invariably included federally funded laboratory scientists, ivory tower bioethicists, and others who have blinders on when it comes to how to effectively deliver low risk new therapies to the clinic.”

“The fact is… conventional medicine’s claim that almost all of the things they do is indisputably predicated on hard science is a fallacy.”

“Skeptics are often quick to say “There is only proved and unproved. Anything proved becomes mainstream and things unproved are to be questioned if not eschewed”. However, if “Less than 20 percent of what physicians do has solid research to support it”, then conventional medicine will wind up gutted if the unproved is excised.”

“..since 2005, my medical team and I have done over 2000 wholly legal stem cell treatments in which a patient’s own stem cell rich bone marrow is harvested and given back to them (with “minimum manipulation” in accordance with extant FDA regulations).”

“…., having done thousands of stem cell treatments I have discovered that almost any excess mercury or lead in the person’s body prevents the proper growth of and repair of tissues by stem cells.”

Update on the Stem Cell War

In this insightful article Dr. Steenblock tackles issues and questions such as:

  • The charge that doctors like him should be doing rigorous clinical studies instead of generating anecdotes (Patient case histories)
  • What about the adverse effects attributed to some stem cell treatments?
  • Are doctors growing rich doing so called unproved therapies using a patient’s own stem cells?
  • Are reports of impressive patient turnarounds after receiving stem cells due to wishful thinking or placebo effects?
  • What about the pervasive hypocrisy that that abounds in the worlds of science and medicine with respect to adult stem cell use by private physicians?

Dr. Steenblock’s articles are informed by over forty years of doing trailblazing medicine including being in the vanguard of physicians doing hyperbaric oxygen for stroke and among the first to use stem cell rich bone marrow to treat a wide variety of chronic diseases and medical conditions including Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), cerebral palsy, various forms of dementia, heart disease and stroke.

His next article on the Bolen Report will concern the WAR over the people’s right to their own body versus the government’s desire to control every aspect of their bodies including diagnostic tests, type of doctors and therapies they have access to, supplements they can use, and those autologous (a person’s own) cells & tissues that can be used by doctors to treat various diseases and medical conditions.

About David A. Steenblock, D.O., Inc.

Dr. David Steenblock is a medical innovator whose work has produced unique and effective ways to accelerate recovery, healing and regeneration in people struggling with many chronic diseases and conditions. Since 2000 he has focused on developing regenerative and stem cell-based ways to treat ALS, Cerebral Palsy and many other chronic, degenerative diseases.

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