August is National Immunization Awareness Month (NIAM) and the partnerships that have developed between public health, physicians, and pharmacists are playing a key role in immunization program efforts.
In addition to STC’s existing relationship with Walmart and Sam’s Club, The Bartell Drug Company and PioneerRx, STC has connected six other leading chain pharmacies to state public health departments across the country and all providers of five national EHR vendors. The total STC pharmacy and provider network now exceeds 50,000 immunizing providers nationwide.
As immunizing pharmacies, we play a valuable role in protecting the communities we serve from vaccine preventable diseases” notes Susanne Hiland, Senior Director of Clinical Services at Walmart. “Our work with STC and their powerful network has helped us not only communicate more efficiently with state immunization registries, but has enabled Walmart pharmacies to be patient advocates and advise our patients on additional immunizations they are recommended to receive to live healthier lives.”
“Impacting vaccine-preventable disease in communities relies on partnerships” says CEO Michael Popovich. “From the corner independent pharmacy… to chain drug stores… to family physician and emergency room doctors, immunization information sharing empowers this care community to deliver accurate information and the right immunization to a patient.”
Building upon the success of connecting retail pharmacies to immunization registries and providing an option for pharmacies to seamlessly integrate this connection into their existing pharmacy workflow, STC is expanding to assist pharmacies as they launch new clinical services.
At the National Association of Chain Drug Stores (NACDS) Total Store Expo August 6 – 9 in Boston, STC will unveil a new point-of-care testing portal to provide retail pharmacies a tool to electronically capture clinical data not currently available in their existing pharmacy systems and to send or make the information available to the patient, the patient’s healthcare team, and state and local public health departments.
About STChealth
STChealth’s mission is to eradicate vaccine preventable disease and empower individuals through our innovative technology and service solutions. We deliver on our mission through passion and innovation, through teamwork and inclusion, through superior client service and products, and a relentless pursuit of the next ”big idea” that will advance immunization intelligence. Starting with developing the first Immunization Information System (IIS) and over 35 years of experience in the immunization ecosystem, STChealth is positioned today to support more than 1/3 of COVID-19 vaccinations reported in the U.S. through our network of over 70,000 Providers and Pharmacy Partners. More information can be found at