Solar Power Receives a Thumbs-Up in Public Survey

Industry: Environment

A public survey conducted by UMR Research shows that solar energy is very popular and viewed favourably by most people.

UK (PRUnderground) October 10th, 2011

A recent survey, conducted by UMR Research, an Australian company, has shown that solar power is viewed extremely positively by the public, especially when compared to nuclear- and coal-derived power. In the survey, around 80% of people had a positive view of solar energy whilst only 10% viewed it negatively. Compare this to nuclear energy, which received 33% positive and 51% negative, and coal-derived energy, which had 18% positive and 48% negative, and you can see that public opinion is shifting heavily in favour of clean, green energy.

Renewable energy as a whole also did well in the survey, with around 75% of people viewing it favourably.

Surveys like this help governments and companies realise that the public are growing more and more tired of carbon-producing energy and want green alternatives. The recent disasters in Japan have also coloured people’s opinions of Nuclear energy, demonstrating that even in safe, modern facilities if something unpreventable takes place, there can be worrying consequences.

Many companies have taken this into account, and you can find solar PV systems cropping up on the roofs of factories, train stations, car parks and more all over the world. As well as improving public perception, companies find that by installing their own solar panels they can save money each year.

Individuals enjoy many of the same benefits when they have solar panels fitted to their private property. They can reduce their electricity bills, earn money for electricity they give back to the grid, and know that they are reducing their carbon foot print all at the same time.

To arrange a home evaluation or to discuss the options available to you, talk to Solar Advanced Systems on 01342 871616 or contact them by e-mail at:

About Solar Advanced Sytems:

At Solar Advanced Systems we provide cost effective solar PV systems that maximise this powerful free source of energy, reducing your costs and helping the planet at the same time.

Solar PV is a renewable energy system which uses solar PV panels to convert sunlight into electricity. The PV cells consist of thin layers of a semi-conducting material, usually silicon, which generates an electric charge when exposed to daylight (rather than heat). The greater the intensity of the light, the greater the flow of electricity.

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