Sinnaps Detects a Lack of Professionalism in Marketing Projects
Industry: Business
● According to the annual Project Management survey undertaken by the project management software, 63% of the professionals consulted have never used an application to professionally manage their projects. ● The results confirm that 72% need to learn to optimise their work and manage projects professionally.
Spain (PRUnderground) June 17th, 2019
Although there is an ever-greater convergence in the use of online applications in the workplace, there is clearly still a long way to go for marketing departments and agencies. So say the results from the annual “Project Management: habits and app usage 2019” survey, conducted by the online project management software Sinnaps across over 500 professionals from the sector.
Digital transformation is an issue that remains to be addressed in the sector. The fact is that 63% of the professionals polled have never used a digital tool to professionally manage their projects.
This lack of professionalism when it comes to implementing a project management tool for their teams is not actually a question of not having enough time to do so. Nearly half of those asked (52%) stated that having time available was not an impediment to using an online application.
So, why do marketing teams not use these professional tools? One answer could be that there simply are not enough of them that exist for this type of project.
According to data gathered by Sinnaps, some 67% are dissatisfied with the project management applications they know. Moreover, it comes as somewhat of a surprise to discover that 25% of those polled gave this question a 0 out of 10 (with 10 being most appreciated). Thus, it can be safely stated that from this data discontent with the current tools available on the market is singularly clear.
“Rather than the specific use of an application, this is about engendering new habits in the workplace that enhance online collaboration in work teams. And this being assisted by a suitable online tool”, explains Richard Balet, founder and CEO of Sinnaps.
Whether by habit or through an application, or both, what is clear is that marketing professionals are crying out for tools that can help them, in the main to keep on top of the most important tasks in their projects.
According to the survey conducted by Sinnaps, 72% assert that finding out what to do and when to do it and learning to optimise their projects professionally are the most valued features of any management application.
The lack of professionalism is exacerbated in the small companies and agencies, where decisions on purchases are taken by the CEOs.
There are many small marketing companies and agencies in search of management tools, which would enable them to better organise their daily activity. According to data from the survey, 56% of those consulted stated that the CEOs at their companies are the people who take the decision on purchasing this type of application. They are followed by department heads with some 22%.
This information contrasts vividly with the level of responsibility of those who are really in the market for this type of online tool. The majority of those polled are members of the marketing team (26%) and the leading candidates to be interested in using an application that can organise and manage their work. Fortunately, second place is occupied by CEOs with 24%, showing their interest in acquiring a tool that will improve everybody’s work.
It is quite clear that those polled work in collaborative environments. 56% of these professionals feel the tool must be able to share out work among the members of the team.
What do marketing teams need to professionalise their projects?
Sinnaps has identified three main areas which will help improve management at small marketing companies and agencies:
– The use of easy tools which can be implemented rapidly among the team: One of the main stumbling blocks for proper digitalisation of these projects lies in the inbred habits among collaborators when it comes to using management applications.
Richard Balet (Sinnaps) sums it up thus: “A multi-functional application counts for little if in the end teams fail to use it consistently. And that is where we come in, the online management software. The fact is one of our chief responsibilities is to assist in and enhance this digital change among work teams“.
– Use of continuous online communication: Versatility in marketing projects is just as much of a constant as direct contact between co-workers. This is a sector in which suppliers and remote working are the key features, which makes it absolutely vital to ensure proper communication and online updating through applications designed for this purpose.
– Optimisation of work paths and budgets: The marketing sector covers a wide range of activities. There are many actions which need to take place within a marketing plan and in line with a given budget. So, it is vital to maximise resources by using an application that can prioritise tasks and derive expenses from balances, while detecting possible deviations when the project is running.
Keeping these three key factors in mind, the CEOs can help their teams to professionalise their projects with tools that foster quick and easy implementation, maintain constant communication and provide updates on all changes to the project and allow resources to be optimised. Applications like Sinnaps are designed to simplify your work and help marketing teams to improve the management of their daily work.
About Sinnaps
Sinnaps is the first intelligent project manager; easy to use, it can plan projects automatically based on your needs. Its exclusive technology employs a powerful rendering engine based on PERT (Project Evaluation and Review Techniques) and CPM (Critical Path Method) algorithms which help optimise project management and provide guidance for the decision-making process.
Featured Sinnaps services: interactive planning; risk prediction and management; resource optimisation; and expectation management.