
Selling your Houston house can be as easy as ever with Team Properties.

Working with a realtor is not always the ideal solution for homeowners; work with experienced home buyers for a stress-free solution. 

Team Properties was founded in 2018 because there was a void in the Houston market for an experienced, honest, and reliable real estate investment team. Team Properties has almost forty years of combined real estate experience working with thousands of customers and homes. 

Working with trusted Houston home buyers like Team Properties means homeowners can avoid the financial stress of selling their homes. Team Properties are a group of home buyers who love helping others with their home-owning problems. 

They take pride in helping families navigate and get out of difficult circumstances like unwanted inheritance, foreclosure, back taxes, liens, or other stressful situations. Team Properties is proud to be an honest, transparent, and trustworthy company; they are known for providing fair offers and are always willing to serve others first. 

The team understands that nobody is going to accept an offer that is unfair or too low. That’s why Team Properties does everything in their power to provide the best offer possible because they value time and professionalism. Team Properties has years of combined experience, making them the perfect fit for all greater Houston area homeowners. 

Alyson Schollmeyer, Co-owner and CEO of Team Properties Houston, was born and raised in North Dakota. She started her career in residential real estate. She spent the next several years moving around the country for her husband’s job and working different real estate industry avenues.

In 2011, they relocated to Houston, Where Alysen took a position with a local real estate investor and discovered her dream occupation. Investment real estate allows Alysen to combine her talent for real estate and passion for interior design. 

Alysens’ professional and personal experience over the last fifteen years has given her knowledge, skills, and a unique perspective in the real estate industry that can’t be matched. 

If you need to sell your house in Houston, it’s essential to work with an honest home buying company in Houston, Texas. Look no further than Team Buyers. 

Contact name: Alysen Schollmeyer


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Name: Alysen Schollmeyer
Phone: (281) 829-8921