Wm. Scott Page author, and CEO, is ready to help high-risk seniors coping with financial stress during this Coronavirus outbreak. Our senior community is most vulnerable. A great number are considered high-risk. Many with weak immune systems and underlying medical issues like heart disease, diabetes, and COPD are living in fear. Quarantined in their homes, their fears are compounded with the stress associated with finances, retirement savings accounts, and government checks. Social distancing and the uncertainty of the economy have them and others looking for answers and a way to find much-needed cash and peace of mind.
Financial Toxicity is a term used to describe problems a patient has related to the cost of medical care. Patients, or seniors, that find themselves with depleted finances from this pandemic may see increased psychosocial distress, poorer quality of life, and shorter life expectancies. With an anticipated total of 200,000 deaths in the United States, high-risk seniors need information that speaks to them and their concerns over losing retirement savings plans. Financial stress at this time can lead to financial toxicity or stress to their immune systems.
In interviews, Wm. Scott Page, of scottpage.com, is available to discuss the impact of the Coronavirus on the CARES Act, retirement, and methods to help reduce financial stress.
Suggested Questions:
- What exactly is financial toxicity?
- How can financial stress affect a person’s overall health?
- What can seniors do to stay healthy physically and financially?
- What are some alternative ways seniors should consider to fund their immediate needs?
About ScottPage.com
Scott Page is a published author, and respected expert on retirement and financial issues facing seniors and baby boomers. His book, ”It’s Never Too Late” has received national attention and great reviews. Scott has appeared on national media outlets such as: 20/20, NBC Nightly News, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and Newsweek. He has been a frequent guest on Varney & Company and writes regularly for Forbes and Huffington Post on retirement issues. His company helps seniors take advantage of new financial opportunities that have become available in recent years. During his career, he has helped thousands of America’s access millions of dollars to secure a better retirement. https://bit.ly/ScottPageReel