
Santa Fe Railyards Violet Crown Cinema Opens, New Construction to Follow says Construction Reporter

The Violet Crown Cinema construction was begun in 2005, as part of the Santa Fe Railyards Master Plan finalized in 2002.  Full development lagged due to the recession, but the big project has finally been completed, paving the way for full buildout of the plan with lots of construction jobs  in the next few years.

The Trust for Public Lands calls the Railyards a “vibrant, multi-use park and public plaza in the heart of Santa Fe.”

The number of public events at the Railyards has increased from 21 in 2009 to 82 in 2014, with a jump in public attendance from 5,640 to 73,174  in that same span of time.  A big jump in 2014 was the opening of the new Indigenous Fine Art Market, which attracted more than 20,000 visitors in just three days.

Thirteen new buildings have been completed of the Master Plan so far, three more includign Violet Cinema have been in process, and seven more remain to be contructed, including a 40-unit apartment complex in the North Railyard.

Learn more HERE about this and other construction projects in the southwestern region including New Mexico, Colorado, Arizona and El Paso, Texas.

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