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Rethinking Logic: New Integral Leadership Book Transforms Leader’s Ability to Deal with Complexity

Industry: Books

Leaders need to re-think thinking. To help facilitate that goal, Integral Publishers and Dr. Otto Laske, Director of the Interdevelopmental Institute, have joined forces.

United States (PRUnderground) July 12th, 2015

“Leaders generally sense when their organizations are “stuck” but the current culture’s fixation on what to think, not how to think, steers them into an ineffectual logic-loop that strangles holistic, generative solutions,” says Integral Publishers CEO, Keith Bellamy. Otto Laske’s latest book, Dialectical Thinking for Integral Leaders: A Primer,” breaks down the roadblocks that orthodox thinking creates and makes complexity leaders face on a daily basis a useful and manageable phenomena.

By using Laske’s approach, leaders can find new thinking tools that boosts his or her ability to deal with complexity and ambiguity, help improve communication in groups and teams, and find inclusive, sustainable solutions to persistent and perplexing problems.

Laske’s process frees the leadership of organizations both large and small, institutions on every level, and boards of directors of profit and non-profit status to quickly recognize the unproductive patterns that reliance on statistics driven and so-called “logical” thinking sets up.

The author focuses on the “four moments of dialectic” and their associated “thought forms.” Laske makes it easy for the reader to immediately exercise new patterns of thinking. Starting from the static world of “Context,” leaders are shown ways of including opposites, antitheses, and absences leading to “Process” thinking. From here, it is only a small step to understanding intrinsic relationships between things sharing a common ground. This step opens the gate to transformational thinking in which all facets of an organization, much like that of a beehive, can be integrated by the mind.

laske headshot_ pru.jpg“Working with Otto Laske was a natural for Integral Publishers,” Bellamy reflected.  “Otto is a leader and innovater in his field, has authored several articles for IP’s online journal of leadership, Integral Leadership Review, and we are thrilled to have him join Integral Publishers.” As a publishing house dedicated to advancing works of authors who draw on Integral, Adult Development, Complexity, Interdisciplinary, and Transdisciplinary approaches out in the world, the addition of Dialectical Thinking for Integral Leaders: A Primer increases the range of resources available to leaders.

About Integral Publishers

Integral Publishers is the first publishing house dedicated to publishing the works of authors who are drawing on Integral, Adult Development, Complexity, Interdisciplinary, and Transdisciplinary approaches. We live in interesting times. We are beset by a multitude of seemingly intractable problems beyond anything that humankind has faced in its short history. Yet it is the very intractable nature of these fierce and thorny problems that will force us to address them from higher, more complex perspectives–perspectives known as Integral.At Integral Publishers we see ourselves as midwives helping to bring these new perspectives into the world. We are a channel for integrally-informed, leading edge thinkers to bring their ideas to as wide an audience as possible in the service of the greater good.

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