Reputation Enhancer

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Reputation Enhancer Prevents People’s Past From Haunting Them

Industry: Business

Reputation Enhancer provides unique services which quickly help suppress negative entries & feedback online.

Toronto (PRUnderground) December 14th, 2016

Reputation Enhancer, a web company devoted to helping clients improve and manage their online reputation, looks to expand its client base as it enters 2017. Since the company was founded, it has fixed the reputations of over 25 clients (in addition to the clients it is currently working with) and claims an 87% success rate.

As successful as the company and its founder, entrepreneur and marketer Yasir Khan, have already been, Khan and the rest of the Reputation Enhancer team want to continue to grow their company in 2017 by reaching more customers than ever. It plans to do so through a new direct advertising campaign and the inclusion of client testimonials on its website.

Yasir Khan knows from his time working in this field how important it is for potential customers with damaged online reputations to know that the Reputation Enhancer method works. This is why he has elected to share the testimonials on his site and use them throughout the ad campaign.

Testimonials include stories from clients like this: “I used to wake up to see horrible stuff written about me on news sites. Thanks to [Reputation Enhancer’s] work, most of those listings are now suppressed and now are on page 3 [of Google].”

Yasir Khan knows how tough it is to be in business on the internet, which is why he said he founded Reputation Enhancer. He knows that many professionals, especially in the tech industry, have their reputations permanently damaged by small mistakes, or even worse by something that simply isn’t true. He and the rest of the Reputation Enhancer team are driven by a desire to give professionals and others with damaged reputations a second chance and a fair shot at success.

About Yasir Khan

Yasir Khan is the founder of Reputation Enhancer and several other online marketing sites, and describes himself as “obsessed with SEO.” He may be reached directly on Facebook and Twitter or via email at

About Reputation Enhancer

Reputation Enhancer was founded by Yasir Khan in 2015 with the express purpose of helping professionals and others fix damaged online reputations. For a free quote or to have any questions about the Reputation Enhancer method answered, look to the company’s website, The Reputation Enhancer team may also be contacted directly by phone at (416) 880-3579 or by email at

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