
Republican Liberty Caucus Endorses Congressman Walter Jones

Congressman Walter Jones of North Carolina has been endorsed by the Republican Liberty Caucus. Founded in 1991, the RLC is the oldest continuously-operating grassroots organization within the Liberty Republican movement.

“Rep. Jones has been a champion of freedom and North Carolina values,” said David Williams, Chairman of the North Carolina RLC. “We are confident that Walter will continue to defend our rights to life, liberty and property in the US House.”

A member of the Committee on Armed Services and the Liberty Caucus, Jones voted against the Patriot Act and NDAA. Jones favors auditing the Fed and has always advocated for our veterans.

“Congressman Jones is well deserving of the RLC endorsement. He has proven himself to be a defender of liberty as well as a fiscal conservative, said RLC Chairman Matt Nye. “The nation needs more lawmakers who take the oath to support and defend the Constitution as seriously as Walter Jones; he puts America and its people first, as all those who serve in Congress should.”

Jones has represented the citizens of North Carolina’s 3rd Congressional District since 1995. He and his wife, Joe Anne, have one daughter, Ashley. He drives home to Farmville, NC every weekend.

About Republican Liberty Caucus

The Republican Liberty Caucus is an IRS 527 voluntary grassroots membership organization dedicated to working within the Republican Party to advance the principles of individual rights, limited government and free markets. Founded in 1991, it is the oldest continuously-operating organization within the Liberty Republican movement.

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Name: Matt Nye
Phone: 321-626-9791