
Registration Now Open for PEMQBook 2024/25 Pediatric Emergency Medicine Board Review Course

Med-Challenger Medical Education is happy to announce that the most popular live review course for pediatric emergency medicine board review – the PEMQBook Board Review Course 2024/25 – is back again in time for anyone preparing for the 2025 ABP Pediatric Emergency Medicine board exam. The #1 Pediatric Emergency Medicine Board Review event comes with increased access and even better outcomes.

The PEMQBook Board Review Course 2024/25 will be held online, virtually over three and a half days of live review sessions (spaced roughly one month apart). Each live session is distinct and different, aimed toward the collective goal of addressing the most commonly missed areas and needs of physicians preparing for the 2025 American Board of Pediatrics board certification examination in pediatric emergency medicine. The live review sessions work in tandem with 24/7 online self-assessment resources, making overall preparation more manageable. Each interval will be progressive, allowing participants to re-assess and augment overall preparation step by step.  Registration is a one-step process at and it includes immediate access to online self-assessment materials and a virtual, interactive seat for all three and a half live sessions.

The course lectures will be based on commonly challenging areas as well as the participants’ performance/need. Lectures will be given by previous editors and authors, as well as Faculty from the Division of Pediatric Emergency Medicine at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School, who are designated to be authors for PEMQBook 2023.

All participants will be asked to complete Med-Challenger’s Peds EM 3rd Edition electronic self-assessment course by specific dates relevant to the course content scheduled to be utilized in each live session. Everyone’s online review work will be analyzed to help tailor the lectures specific to the attendees’ most urgent needs or areas of difficulty.

“We’re proud of our longstanding partnership with PEMQ,” says David Beard, Med-Challenger’s CEO. “Use of Med-Challenger Peds EM for pre-course preparation not only allows attendees to get a jump start on the materials, it also uniquely positions the course presenters to customize the live course to the topical areas most beneficial to the attendees. And because the participants have access to Med-Challenger after the live course, there’s no risk of diminished retention between the course and the exam. It’s interesting to see so many educational venues of all stripes turning to the model that Med-Challenger and PEMQ have been using for years.”

Med-Challenger’s unique subscription model allows physicians, nurse practitioners, registered nurses, physician assistants, and other clinicians working in an Emergency Medicine, Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology, and Urgent Care to prepare for upcoming certification events and to maintain constant CME certification online.

About Challenger Corporation

Founded in 1991, Challenger Corporation has led the field of high quality online medical education for over 30 years. Med-Challenger provides online medical education, review and assessment tools for physicians, physician assistants, and nursing professions, including leading residencies, nursing schools, and medical schools worldwide.

About Challenger Corporation

Challenger Corporation is a provider of medical education, review and assessment tools for physicians, physician assistants, and nursing professions, including leading residencies, nursing schools, and medical schools world-wide.

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