
Redbrick Solutions announce last opportunity for spaces go attend the 2014 seminar series with Legal

Following the huge success of the 2013 series of seminars held by Redbrick Solutions announce final chance to get tickets to attend the 2014 seminars.

The seminar series for 2014 will consist of half-day workshops that will run in the months of March and May. The workshops are aimed at Managing Partners and nominated persons within the compliance and legal industry.

The agenda for the half-day workshops being held on 5th March in Birmingham and 18th March in London, includes topical matters such as:


  • Compliance Update – what you really need to know.
  • Practical Compliance tips for COLP’s covering:
    • Ensuring outward facing publicity/documents are compliant.
    • Risk Management procedures including: preparing a Risk Management Policy e.g. how to manage risk, risks by work type, categorisation and types of risk such as conflicts.
    • Risk assessment of files, talking about some of the methods for determining the level of risk, file reviews and the use of risk registers.


  • Hallmarks of a conscientious COFA.
  • The SRA Client Account rules: common compliance issues.
  • The SRA’s approach to breaches.
  • Breach analysis methodology.
  • Your approach to record keeping.
  • What information should go in your annual information report?

There are still spaces available for the March dates for both Birmingham and London venues and each delegate will earn CPD hours, course notes and refreshments throughout the seminar.

Redbrick Solutions are a legal software provider covering legal case management, accounting and legal practice management software.

For further information or to secure a place visit the website, email or call 0845 166 2629.

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Name: Paul Simms
Phone: 0844 8705204