While card games can be a huge amount of fun, there’s no question that the vast majority of them are quite timid and tame in theme. Never one to hold back, Dutch board game company Rebelz Games has announced a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter to bring “Gang War” to life. With fast and exciting game playing revolving around street knowledge and the willingness to be ruthless, the new card game stands completely unique among its peers. To help raise the funds to bring the first run to market Rebelz Games’ Kickstarter goes into action very soon. Donors, depending on their donation size, will become proud owners of the first edition of a card game sure to win a great deal surrounding its dark, fresh, and cool gangster-inspired vision. Needless to say, the enthusiasm surrounding the project is high. News of the exact Kickstarter launch will be available on the company website.
“We believe so much in ‘Gang War’ we have offered free beer and pizza to our test players who held games to help make sure there are no kinks and everything runs smoothly,” commented Bulent Yildiz, the head developer of Rebelz Games. “We are proud to say no one took us up on the offer. We see ‘Gang Wars’ becoming a best-seller after our successful crowdfunding campaign.”
One thing for sure is that game is not for those who don’t have a healthy rebellious streak and affection or interest in the gangster lifestyle. With stunning digital artwork on all the cards, well thought out gameplay that suits the games gangster spirit; and nearly all underworld subcultures represented; its a breakthrough in more ways than one.
Two versions will be available the basic box that features Rappers, Skaters, Punks, Mobsters, Rastas, and Ravers, with all their assorted street slang and terminology; and the the Full Bloody Box, that adds President Trump, President Putin, Kim Jung Un, Pablo Escobar, Che Guevara, Goths, Japanese Yakuza, Outlaw Motor Cycle clubs, Hipsters, Hackers, and even the infamous Anonymous.
The Kickstarter starts on February 26th and ends on March 29th, 2019. Interest is expected to be high, supporters are encouraged to get their donations in right at launch to make sure they don’t miss out on any of sure-to-be-collectible perks, large or small.
Rebel Gamez also have a Print and Play version on their website www.rebelzgames.com, where interested gamers can download a “gang war” as a free download, allowing them to be able to play the game risk-free before ordering.
The feedback from beta testers has been outstanding.
Larry M., from popular YouTube channel Achievement Hunters, said in a five-star review of the game, “Rebelz Gang War is a very enjoyable, fast-paced card game, and I absolutely love its in-your-face punk attitude. It’ll get any board game night off to a strong start.”
For more information be sure to visit https://rebelzgames.com.
About Rebelz Games
Rebelz Games is a dynamic game and entertainment company committed to making parties come alive. The games it offers are highly interactive that audiences can enjoy with their friends and family.
Rebelz Games takes cool concepts and makes them more exciting, daring and exhilarating.
In a digital era where people are becoming more isolated, by means of its games, Rebelz Games’ goal is to bring people back together with its games and make them enjoy each other again.