There is much to be said for keeping poultry and other chickens and, as is the case with everything they do, the Mole Valley Farmers team want to give as much help as possible to any customers who are thinking about getting started with this fun and rewarding hobby.
The handy Why Keep Chickens? page contains a wealth of information discussing the many benefits of owning one or more of these beautiful creatures, which include, of course, the opportunity of having a fresh and free breakfast every morning!
As well as a comprehensive guide to choosing the right breed of poultry for you (this will largely depend on whether you are looking for your animals to be a source of eggs, meat or a combination of the two), this page also contains links to several other useful sections dealing with topics such as poultry terminology, feeding, breeding, housing, health care and how to truly get to know your chickens.
Whether you choose to shop online or visit one of their stores, the Mole Valley Farmers catalogue contains a wide selection of products like housing, fencing, bedding, feed and more which will provide you with all you need to raise a happy and healthy flock of chickens without having to break the bank.
About Mole Valley Farmers
Mole Valley Farmers was started in 1960 by a small group of farmers around South Molton who were concerned by the discriminatory practices and the large margins being taken by many of their input suppliers. From the outset it was decided to treat all members equally, subject only to quantity allowance and that the Company would operate on the minimum margin to allow continuity and growth. Today it remains one of a few true co-operatives in the supply industry.