
Reach Out Recovery Addresses Overdose Epidemic

Reach Out Recovery (ROR ) is the 501c3 nonprofit information platform serving 120 million people impacted by addiction. ROR is celebrating National Recovery Month by presenting Did You Know?, 30 important video facts the public needs to know right now about deadly drugs sold on the street and on the Internet. Heroin and prescription drugs are being laced with Fentanyl without the knowledge of users, killing hundreds of people across the nation. The daily, 30-second videos appear on Reach Out Recovery”s website digital gallery, the ROR Facebook page ( and the Reach Out Recovery Youtube channel

“ROR has developed into the most comprehensive recovery website,” says founder Leslie Glass. “Our mission is to provide unbiased daily news, addiction information, resources and tips people can use every day, as well as expert bloggers, and recovery stories.

“Deadly overdoses from prescription medicines and illegal street drugs are ravaging whole communities, but few people know enough about the substances being sold to their loved ones and how harmful they can be. In honor of National Recovery Month, ROR has launched a Did You Know video series to inform parents, college and high school students and others who desperately need more information to stay safe,” Glass added.

ROR is dedicated to changing the perception of addiction and recovery and to promoting a new model of prevention and recovery that incorporate daily support.”

For more information on Reach Out Recovery, visit the website at

About Reach Out Recovery

Reach Out Recovery is a non-profit organization whose mission is addiction education, prevention for children and teens, and recovery help and support for the 120 million people impacted by addiction.
Reach Out Recovery provides daily addiction and recovery news from 41 news sources. Contributors of exclusive content includes addiction professionals, recovery and healthy lifestyle coaches, authors, people in recovery and family members who have experienced addiction and the recovery journey.
Reach Out Recovery offers addiction and substance information about heroin, meth, opiates, marijuana legalization, fentanyl, nicotine, alcohol, sugar, vaping, chemical dependency, food disorders, and more.

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Name: Lisa Rubinstein
Phone: 941-373-3803