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Quirky Short Story of Vindication By Author Max W. Miller Brings Healing To Abused Women

Industry: Books

The idea that a short story about a metaphysical event could bring healing to one that had suffered abuse was an absurd notion, until the first reviewer posted on Amazon.

Raleigh, NC (PRUnderground) June 20th, 2014

Local indie author, Max knows all too well that a battle must be waged to become free from an abusive encounter. She references it to living with shame and then anger pours into the soul. At age fifteen, Max suffers abuse by being beaten and raped and thought she’d never make it out of a Georgia corn field, alive. Whether abuse is physical, mental, or both, whether from bullying, sexual assault, or domestic violence, the wound runs deep, the healing time long and the climb starts from the bottom of hell’s pit.

Think And Grow Dead is a short Story that Max wrote with the intent to possibly provide a smile of vindication onto the faces of the hurting. It entails a main character, Michael Henson, who gets his abusive tendencies taken care of with a most unusual sentence handed down.

Max says: It took me years to climb out of what happened to me at fifteen. Actually, when I wrote Think And Grow Dead, I had no idea what the impact might be until the first review. It was then that I asked my first Amazon reviewer if I could share her words as a testimony to how ‘Think And Grow Dead’ had brought healing to her.

Please read her review below …

“For many months my spine has only known the pain generated years ago by a Michael Henson type.

My name is Linda, but unlike the Linda Max Miller writes of, I have no connection to the rich soils burbling beneath the Hawaiian territory, nor do I know of one such as she. Perhaps if I did, I would not have to admit reading this powerful story is the first time in many, many months, no, years, my spine has felt anything not ensnared by the level of “love” it received all those many, many years ago.

Long ago I came upon the belief that anything the mind can create is a reality out there in the Universe.

Knowing that, I truly hope a deeply rooted place somewhere in the cosmos is nurturing a garden where the Michael Hensons who planted their seeds in my spinal garden is creating the rich top spoil that will make them perfect plants for Linda Mahelona’s garden of retribution.

How young must the victim of the future retribution plant’s design be before justice pulls the roots deep into its eternal soil. 4, 8, 16. 21, 30? Thank you Max Miller for giving my spine it’s first tingles of something other than soul crunching pain. This is a short, powerful, well-paced story that tells me I want to jump on the Max Miller band wagon…I recommend it highly.

Five Stars and a deep, abiding thank you. I NEEDED this story more than mere words can express right NOW!”

Max says: When someone overpowers you with words or actions this horrifying incident will change the person that you are. There must be a path back to yourself or you are held in a dead place forever. I think that my first reviewer has given an excellent synopsis for this eBook and I encourage those in pain from abuse of any kind to check it out. Think about your abuser and see them taking Michael Henson’s place. Healing could be as inexpensive as an hour’s worth of time at a cost less than a buck.

About the Author:

Max W. Miller was born in Savannah, Georgia, but has lived in North Carolina with her husband and two children for many years. She comes from a large family with eight siblings. Max enjoys writing science fiction, fantasy and all things paranormal because she believes that we have three distinct parts to our being—body, mind and spirit (soul) and that other life forms in other realms are just as real as we are. In her writing, Max uses popular fantasy, science fiction and paranormal topics such as aliens, ghosts and witches and expresses them in a way that is highly entertaining and thought provoking.


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About Ironshield Marketing LLC

Max W. Miller was born in Savannah, Georgia, but has lived in North Carolina with her husband and two children for many years. She comes from a large family with eight siblings. Max enjoys writing science fiction, fantasy and all things paranormal because she believes that we have three distinct parts to our being—body, mind and spirit (soul) and that other life forms in other realms are just as real as we are. In her writing, Max uses popular fantasy, science fiction and paranormal topics such as aliens, ghosts and witches and expresses them in a way that is highly entertaining and thought provoking.

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