
QOREBOARD creates Microgoals and Microadjustments to help Improve your coaching style

Over a 30-year career in Sales and Marketing, I’ve been handed LOTS of “aspirational” targets and even more “coaching” when I missed those targets.  For anyone that has held a role where your pay was tied to performance or goal attainment, you understand exactly what I’m talking about.  Generally, these targets consist of long range (monthly, quarterly or annual) stretch targets.  Coaching, if offered, is typically a browbeating session about why you missed expectations or at best a general “You can do better!” speech without specific or actionable ways to improve. At QOREBOARD we know that there is a better way to help your team win.  Our process leverages Microgoals and Microadjustments to drive performance.

With all the data and technology available today, we can give employees Microgoals that are broken down into achievable hourly or even minute by minute targets.  Real time targets allow us to give feedback to team members when they still have a chance to change the trajectory of their performance.  Instead of waiting until the end of the month to tell someone they missed their target, why not tell them that they are starting to fall behind after the first hour of the first day?  That’s exactly what we do at QOREBOARD.  We help employees win every hour of every day and assist them in hitting and exceeding their long-term goals.

Setting and tracking Microgoals allows you to celebrate achievements throughout the day providing positive reinforcement to employees.  That positive experience drives them to repeat the process again and again.  Similarly, alerting someone that they are falling behind encourages them to increase their effort to get back on track. In our experience, most people like to contribute, and they feel good when they can meet or exceed expectations.

Microadjustments are best practices rolled out as small tweaks in behavior that improve performance.  Examples of Microadjustments are having a customer care call center agent slow down to fully explore a client issue or a retail sales agent changing their initial greeting to make a better connection with a customer.  Combining Microgoals with Microadjustments gives your team an effective and specific performance management plan that helps them improve their skills every day.  We have seen this combination of approaches lead to significant improvements in performance sustained over time through our automated QOREBOARD system.  We’ve also seen material improvements in the motivation, attitude and engagement of employees. By focusing every day on small achievable improvements, it’s possible to get employees engaged and invested in their own development.

Ready to help your team win every hour of every day, shoot me an email at or visit us at

Mike Midgett


QOREBOARD will accelerate performance and drive profit in your organization.

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