PodcastGuests.com was launched in 2016 with one goal in mind – effortlessly connect podcasters with experts, authors, and other guests to be featured on their shows. Through its streamlined email and directory membership business model, the business has grown to over 40,000 users.
Founder Andrew Allemann, said, “I created PodcastGuests.com to solve a problem I had, finding new and exciting guests to feature on my own podcast. I knew the time was right to find someone to take the platform to the next level. FE International found a buyer it had previously worked with, making the process super simple.”
Upon completing the deal, new owner Brian Scully, said “PodcastGuests.com is a thriving marketplace connecting podcasts and guest experts. I am excited to expand and innovate on the great platform and community that Andrew founded. The power of podcasts to bring people and conversations together in long-form media accessible to anyone has become one of the best use cases of the internet. I am looking forward to continuing to make it easy for podcasts and great guests to connect. Andrew was the first to create a podcast-guest matching service and I intend to preserve the spirit of the platform while finding ways to take it to the next level.”
FE International served as the sole sell-side M&A advisor on the acquisition. “PodcastGuests.com was an incredibly compelling opportunity for Brian to take over a thriving business that is well positioned to scale. We are proud to have worked with both parties to get the deal closed and can’t wait to see how the brand grows from here,” said Thomas Smale, CEO of FE International.
About Brian Scully
With over 25 years of experience in growing early-stage startup companies, Brian Scully is a serial entrepreneur and CMO. Notable successful exits include PRunderground to CMRZ, PropertyShark to Yardi Systems and UMT Software to Microsoft.
About FE International
Founded in 2010, FE is known for its extensive network of pre-qualified international investors. Its team includes experts in exit planning, valuation, accounting, legal and more.
FE serves clients worldwide with headquarters in New York and regional offices in Miami, San Francisco and London. It was named one of The Americas’ Fastest Growing Companies in 2022, 2021 and 2020 by The Financial Times and is also a four-time Inc. 5000 company.