
Ping Me! How To Modify WordPress Update Services To Get More Traffic On Your Website

By Alex Miranda

OK you have your WordPress site up and running. After doing all your research, going to WordCamps, WordPress meetups, and talking to SEO experts you installed the proper plugins. It is now time to publish your first blog post. Wait a  minute…..Why am I not getting loads of traffic to my website?

It may be because you have not modified the update services on your WordPress writing settings. You see, every time you publish a blog post, WordPress  automatically notifies popular Update Services by sending a ping.

What is a ping? A ping automatically notifies social bookmarking sites, search engines, RSS Feeds and blog directories every time you update your blog. WordPress by default uses Ping-o-Matic. Ping-O-Matic is a service to update different search engines when you publish or update a new blog post.

Do you notice anything about that name? Ping-O-Matic is owned by Automattic. For those who do not know, Automattic is owns WordPress.

The problem with Ping-O-Matic is it does not ping all of the update services available. There is a way to modify this and add more update services which will amount to a lot more traffic and backlinks to your website.

Here is a good test. Copy and paste this title Google Loves WordPress: An SEO Dream For Beginners on Google. It takes the first 7 page results of Google. Notice all the sites that linked to my post. One of the reasons this happened is because I modified my WordPress blog to  to ping over 200 update services.

Here is what you need to do:

On the backend of WordPress, go to settings>writing> scroll down to update services and paste the latest Update Service list.

Click Here to download (PDF) the latest update service list.

Every time you update a post, the update services get pinged. Too many pings are considered spamming. It is very important you download one of the following plugins so that you do not get banned from any of the update services.

Recommended Plugins:

MaxBlogPress Ping Optimizer

WordPress Ping optimizer

About Alex Miranda:

Alex Miranda has been doing SEO since 1998. He was the Editor-in-Chief of the social media press release distribution company PR Underground. PR Underground has been in the forefront of social media press releases since 2007.