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PayneGroup Releases Numbering Assistant

Industry: Apps & Software

Making Paragraph Numbering in Microsoft Word Easier

Seattle, Washington (PRUnderground) April 7th, 2015

PayneGroup announces the release of Numbering Assistant 11, a Microsoft Word utility that simplifies paragraph numbering in Word documents. The software displays pre-defined, common numbering schemes that can be applied and modified. You can also create your own custom numbering schemes and then save them for use on other documents. You can even share your custom numbering schemes with others. Numbering Assistant includes options for inserting one or more numbering schemes in a document. Multiple tables of contents can also be inserted into the same document. One of the best attributes of the Numbering Assistant is that it leverages native Word features, which in turn makes it easier to share those documents with others when working in a collaborative manner.

Numbering Assistant is a robust and mature product, but in this new version, the entire code base was updated to include more options, speed up operations, including an updated user interface that better matches the look and feel of newer versions of Microsoft Word and Office. New functionality includes an option to change the many formats for the entire numbering scheme or by an individual heading level. There are also new options available for working with tables of contents. In fact, this new version incorporates requested features and is the most robust version of the software to-date.

Many people using the Numbering Assistant rave that this is their favorite software product. Says Marshall Major, IT Manager at Moffatt Thomas, “PayneGroup’s Numbering Assistant unlocks and uncovers the rich numbering options within Word and then builds upon them in a way that is easy and intuitive for users.”

Lisa Cain, IT Trainer and Application Developer at the law firm Thompson & Knight LLP says, “Our users are amazed at how easy it is to format auto-numbered paragraphs using PayneGroup’s Numbering Assistant tool. Everything is a click away on the Ribbon so you don’t have to think beyond what you need to do. Apply, edit, and format all from the ribbon – no need to modify styles. Native numbering is not intuitive – PayneGroup has changed that for the legal industry!”

And Tiffany Gelbart, Lead IT Instructor at Marshall Dennehey Warner Coleman & Goggin, P.C. adds, “The Numbering Assistant allows our staff to apply legal numbering seamlessly. One of the best attributes is the ability to refer back to the Styles Pane to modifying heading options.”

More Client Quotes about Numbering Assistant

“We love the Numbering Assistant!  Our staff relies on it daily to keep the numbering schemes consistent from document to document.  Further, creating a Table of Contents has never been easier – and with the customization options, we get exactly what we want every time.  Even our attorneys who have very specific outline numbering requirements can quickly create a numbering scheme that meets their standards, then save it for future documents, eliminating the need to recreate the wheel each time.

Janice Stoudt, IT Training Director for Holland & Knight

“Attorneys learn about outlining in law school; however, are not provided adequate training on how to best leverage MS Word’s built-in functionality. They tend to struggle with schemes and often work against the application to get their documents out the door. Numbering Assistant’s user-friendly ribbon makes it a breeze for them to apply the appropriate level and also modify the scheme to meet their needs.”

Heather Morrow, Training Manager for Loeb & Loeb

“If you’re using Word for legal numbering, you should be using Payne’s Numbering Assistant! Without it, you’re looking at hours of frustration and potentially corrupted documents. With the Numbering Assistant, you can quickly add legal numbering that is easy to understand, modify, and generates a TOC in seconds.”

Stacie Oste, Training Manager for Parker Poe

“Using Numbering Assistant along with Forms Assistant Recycle makes using older documents a breeze. Cleans them up and applies the correct number so the document is not only perfect but can be reused over and over. Every new hire I train is thrilled to have this tool.”

Elizabeth Wilson, Learning & Development Coordinator at McNair Law Firm

About PayneGroup

PayneGroup is a leading provider of desktop automation tools – our Workflow product division includes Forms and Numbering Assistants, which aid in the creation and formatting of documents. PayneGroup also provides secure communication software including Metadata Assistant, the first metadata removal software on the market, Outlook Send Assistant, which prevents Reply to All, bcc and other potential accidental disclosures, and Redact Assistant, which is a redaction tool for Word and Excel files. PayneGroup provides extensive professional services, ranging from migration consulting, training and help desk services to project management and courseware development. PayneGroup has also authored 13 books on Microsoft Office, including our latest book, Word 2013 for Law Firms. For more information about PayneGroup, see or follow PayneGroup on twitter at

About PayneGroup, Inc.

PayneGroup is a leading provider of secure communication software including Metadata Assistant, the first metadata removal software on the market, Outlook Send Assistant, which prevents Reply to All, bcc and other potential accidental disclosures, and Redact Assistant, which is a redaction tool for Word and Excel files. The Workflow product division includes Forms and Numbering Assistants, which aid in the creation and formatting of documents. PayneGroup also provides extensive professional services, ranging from migration consulting and training services to project management and courseware development. PayneGroup has also authored 13 books on Microsoft Office, including our latest book, Word 2013 for Law Firms. For more information about PayneGroup, see or follow PayneGroup on twitter at

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