Mardirossian Facial Aesthetics

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Palm Beach Plastics Now Offers Lip Lift Procedures

Industry: Healthcare

that Palm Beach Plastics now offers lip lift procedures

Jupiter, FL (PRUnderground) April 20th, 2015

Unlike other cosmetic surgery practices that offer a limited range of procedure options, Palm Beach Plastics is different in that its surgeons are constantly on the lookout for ways to add as much value as possible for their patients. Recently, one of the most well-known Palm Beach plastic surgery practices, namely Palm Beach Plastics, announced that it is now able to offer lip lift procedures as well.

palm-beach-logo.jpgThe lip lift procedure helps restore fullness to the upper lip area, which in turn results in patients looking younger. The procedure involves the use of local anesthesia and a small incision is made at the base of the nose to perform it properly. The surgeon removes a tiny amount of skin in order to lift the lip, and the incision is then closed afterwards.

This procedure then results in the upper lip being plumped once again, which leaves patients with a more attractive and aesthetically pleasing smile than ever. Owing to the fact that the incision is made just under the nose, it is virtually invisible once the procedure has been completed and it has healed.

Further information on the lip lift procedure and the range of other treatment options that this Palm Beach plastic surgeon offers can be obtained here:

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Mardirossian Facial Aesthetics in Jupiter Florida, specializing in facial cosmetic surgery including facial feminization. Please visit our website for a free consultation.

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