Onevox: Trade market between U.S and Brazil increase businesses disclosure in both countries
Industry: Advertising & Marketing
Traffic disclosure of businesses and businesses is permanent between the U.S and Brazil. Brazilian businessmen look at the U.S. resident community and U.S. companies at the consumer force of the Brazilian tourists. The Brazilian journalist Rodrigo Lins, who manages the communications, marketing and press agency - Onevox Creative Solutions, based in the U.S. state of Florida and a branch in Brazil (Onevox Brazil Ltda.), thinks that the scenario is increasingly promising for entrepreneurs increase the potential of your business by investing in international disclosure.
Florida (PRUnderground) August 16th, 2018
Two important figures in the trade relationship between the United States and Brazil are the dissemination of U.S. companies in Brazil and Brazilian initiatives in the U.S. in the center that moves millions of dollars and reals annually. American communications, marketing and press agency gains space with publicity in both markets.

On the one hand, data from the WorldCity organization raised on the basis of the U.S. Census analysis show that Miami’s trade with Brazil, for example, increased 8.46 percent to $ 10 billion by August of last year. Exports increased 11.04 percent to $6.5 billion and imports increased 3.97 percent to $3.5 billion.
On the other side of the increase, the Orlando International Airport, for example, set a passenger record in 2017 – reaching a historic mark of 72 million visitors in the city, the most visited in the U.S. Of this total, 6.5 million were international tourists (which gives the destination the fourth place behind New York, Los Angeles and Miami) and Brazil ranks second among long distance visitors, behind only the United Kingdom, according to the Visit Orlando Organization.
The enchanted land of Disney world and Universal Studios received a record 826,000 Brazilians last year, against more than one million Britons, a 16% increase from Brazil, according to Visit Orlando President George Aguel in Denver, Colorado this year.
“We have clients in Brazil who look at the gigantic community that lives here in the United States. Medical centers, plastic surgeons, dental and aesthetic centers, all being promoted by the Brazilian community that lives here and also Americans who began to include medical procedures in their travel itineraries to Brazil. On the other hand, there are a growing number of real estate companies, lodging companies, restaurants and other tourist trade companies here in Orlando that hire us to promote them in Brazil,” says Rodrigo Lins.
Brazil in Florida – Florida in Brazil
Data released by the Brazilian Consulate in Miami, FL shows that bilateral trade between Brazil and Florida reached U.S. $18.2 billion in 2016 and represents more than a third of the trade flow between Brazil and the U.S. The U.S. state of Florida is preferred by Brazilians – “Now the state’s American companies have started betting on this relationship and promoting it in Brazil,” says Rodrigo Lins.
U.S. census data show that about 300,000 Brazilians live in Florida – the largest Brazilian community in the country. In addition, more than 1 million Brazilian tourists visit Florida each year. In 2016, Brazilian tourists spent U.S. $11.6 billion across the United States. “Wasting the chance to appear in Brazil is a mistake that can be costly for American businessmen,” ponders Mr. Lins.
Global Disclosure
The journalist and entrepreneur still comments that the business internationalization market has generated a global outreach movement in which entrepreneurs already consider communities around the world as potential audiences for their businesses and ventures.
“We are in the process of opening Onevox in countries in Europe and Canada to help entrepreneurs who have already joined this commercial world without borders where it is entirely possible to do business with audiences from Japan while in Brazil or anywhere else. The dynamic of global disclosure previously associated with major brands is now within reach of the most audacious entrepreneurs,” says Rodrigo Lins.
About Onevox Press
A Communication, Marketing & Press Agency based in Orlando-Fl and representative offices in Brazil, Canada and Europe. Our Goal: Give your business a voice with amazing ideas | Call us now: 407 360 3510 | WWW.ONEVOXGLOBAL.COM or – Go to check our newsroom at: