In the past year, Suzen Pettit kept hearing the same thing, over and over from frustrated small business owners: We don’t know what we’re doing on social media. We’re not seeing our business grow. Please help us.
“They simply had no strategy” said Pettit, who has been helping businesses get found and grow a presence online since the inception of Omaginarium, 6 years ago. ” and they had no time. Over and over I kept hearing ‘I wish it could just be done for me’. So I decided to create a service to do just that. Sometimes- well all the time, really- you just need to listen to your client.”
Pettit’s agency has been offering social media training and consulting, SEO and content marketing since its’ inception, but there was a growing need for more full service “just do it for me” services that she is now responding to.
“The world of social media marketing is an ever-evolving phenomenon, and if you’re not in it constantly, getting your hands dirty, keeping up with the changes and platforms, it definitely can lead to overwhelm for many small companies, most of whom do not have a point person or team to at the very least handle their social media, no less, take full advantage of the possibilities and use it as a value added tool. ” said Pettit. “They know they need to have a presence, but they don’t know how to create a presence that will help grow their bottom line”.
About Omaginarium
Online Marketing Strategist, speaker and blogger, Suzen Pettit, has been in marketing for the past 27 years wearing various hats. Founder of OMAGinarium, (an acronym for Online Marketing and Growth), Suzen’s specialty is getting small companies FOUND and helping them stay “sticky” with marketing and website traffic strategies, social media, optimized websites, SEO, blogging, content marketing and list building. Suzen has helped dozens of small companies, entrepreneurs and medical practices stand out, get their businesses on the map and attract more website traffic and warm leads.
When not working hard for her clients, Suzen can be found blogging and providing content for the Patch hyper-locals, Mashable, Founders Space, Create Hype, and Steamfeed, as well as speaking on topics geared to online business growth. Suzen was recently voted #3 from Top 10 Tech and Interne Savvy Blogs of 2014, and was featured in the August issue of Tribal Woman