Nunan’s Yard and Garden Tips To Gear Up for the Harvest Season

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5 North Shore Yard and Garden Tips To Gear Up for the Harvest Season From Nunan's Florist and Greenhouse in Georgetown, Ma.

Georgetown, MA (PRUnderground) September 17th, 2015

It’s becoming that time of year again. Can you feel the much cooler morning air with its unique yet mysterious scent of ending heat? Getting the kids back to school is an additional reminder that the end of summer is upon us and the wonderful fall season will soon arrive.

Here are 5 North Shore Yard and Garden Tips To Gear Up for the Harvest Season from Nunan’s Florist and Greenhouse in Georgetown, Ma.

Pumpkins, harvest,

As if all of the other events aren’t enough this time of year, your lawn and garden is also tugging at your shirt tail for a little attention. Just like many other things in our busy New England lives, taking care of house and home is also a part of our very make-up. So as Autumn begins to fall, we thought we would give you some tips that you can easily check off to give your yard and garden some appreciated love before the harsh winter.

1. Prune Bushes/Shrubs

With all the heat and extra sunlight over the summer, bushes and hedges have had a chance to grow. Often at this time of the year they can look a little ragged and in need of a good trim. Taking the time to do this now will enable your bushes to recover and thrive before the coming cold shock they will endure.


·       Don’t prune when it is/has been extremely hot. This can put undue stress on your bushes and shrubs. Try to do your pruning when the temperature is moderate.

·       It is best not to prune your bushes during the rain to avoid many fungal diseases. Let things dry out for a few days for best results.

·       Cross branches can encourage disease in shrubs and fruit trees, so removing them is a good idea.

·       To get your bushes to thrive, prune dead or diseased limbs and branches as a priority.

2. Plant Bushes/Shrubs

Late summer or early fall is the optimum time to plant shrubs in many areas. This gives the shrub a chance to establish new roots before winter arrives and the ground freezes. When spring arrives, the bushes will be healthy and ready to grow.


·       Choose bushes that provide the proper color and growth rate that will fit with your landscape design.

·       Plant with scale in mind by putting larger bushes in the back and place lower ground cover toward the front.

·       Always remember that great landscape design follows a “less is more” mentality. Pick locations that accent your yard rather than overpower it.

3. Grass/Turf

Dethatching and aeration are a great idea this time of year. You may also want to take advantage of the remaining warmer days to fertilize, and over-seed your lawn in preparation for the colder and dormant growth period of late fall and winter.

Taking the time to fertilize and aerate your lawn now can really help it to recover after the scorching heat of summer.

4. Plant Trees

During the summer your soil collects warmth and oxygen, making the transition to autumn the ideal time to plant trees. Select trees that are optimum for your yard, environment and location. Now is a great time to take advantage of some of the remaining warm days and frostless nights to do this.

Getting professional advice on the best tree options for your situation is always a good idea and we are always here to help.

5. Planting Hardy Mums

Hardy mums like other perennials, do best when they are planted at a time that allows them to get their root system established before spring. A favorite of North Shore homeowners, hardy mums add vibrate color and charm to any yard that is beginning to dull as other plants and flowers end their blooming cycles.

mums.jpgInvesting in your yard at the end of summer will ensure that your yard will look its best and the health of your plants, trees and shrubs can thrive. Preparing your landscape for fall will also enable you to spend less time and effort when the weather is less cooperative. Be proactive and enjoy your yard during this amazing time of year.

About Nunans Florist & Greenhouses

Nunan Florist & Greenhouses strives to continue an 86-year-old tradition of providing exceptional quality and value to customers. We know that our customers are our most valuable asset, and we dedicate ourselves to their total satisfaction.

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