The Geyser Girl of Yellowstone Park is an allegorical novel in the form of fables portraying the virtues of man’s edification through nature’s examples, against the historical backdrop of Fort Yellowstone, the U.S. Cavalry and the introduction of the park rangers. The author’s goal is to educate others, that it is equally essential for us to take care of the earth, as it is to be sustained by her. Tending a place such as Yellowstone is a stewardship not to be taken lightly, and is not reserved for those with uniforms and badges alone.
An infant of unknown origins is discovered alone upon a snowy night in Yellowstone Park. Adopted by Old Faithful geyser and by a mother buffalo named Bearer of Song, she gains spiritual ascent through the stories and teachings of her elders. When her sacred vow to protect Yellowstone’s heritage in return brings peril in its wake, the choice made between her safety and her sworn duties is precipitous from its beginning to its fiery outcome.
This is her story, as seen through the eyes of Yellowstone.
Author Bio:
As written beneath her yearbook photo, Class of 1970, the expressed lifetime desire of the author known as Myrtle Brooks, is: “to realize the love present in everything.” When not at home or on her job as postal clerk in her beloved Brooklyn, N.Y., she may be found dancing with the big rigs on the interstate as she heads for national parks and places of quiet beauty.
The Geyser Girl of Yellowstone Park had its beginnings when, as a child of ten herself, Ms. Brooks returned home to New York from a road trip West. Having beheld Old Faithful and that vast, legendary “Wonderland,” she began a short story of the same title depicting a young girl who delighted to ride the erupting fountain of the geyser. In 2009, upon stopping in Yellowstone for but a few hours while driving to southern California, the seeds of a long-forgotten story, having been watered anew, sprang to life, each overnight stop affording fresh perspective for its maturation as she set down the laptop on the table in the room of a new motel.
Copies of The Geyser Girl of Yellowstone Park are available at all major booksellers, including Black Rose Writing, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble
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