Write Smart LLC

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When you participate in any of the online Write Smart programs, you will be partnering with Mike McClory, one of America’s foremost authorities on turning good ideas into good writing. You will be engaged in a series of live, 21st century, multi-media learning activities — not just sitting through another tedious PowerPoint slide show. After graduating from Northwestern University, Mike began his career with the Congressional Digest, a publication that has earned a reputation — over a span of 90 years — for presenting different sides of complex issues in crisp, unpretentious language. Years later, in a 1996 interview, he recalled the experience: Working with seasoned professional editors was full of surprises. I found, for instance, that people in the publishing business expend an enormous amount of time and energy applying the fundamentals of grammar and punctuation. In a few weeks, I learned more about writing than I had learned in four years of high school and four years of college.


Press Contact

Mike McClory
(202) 543-3442
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Press Releases

AI Writing: It Needs Help from Humans – But Only if They Are Good Writers by WriteSmart.org

More Released on December 19, 2024