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Wildwood Escot is East Devon’s conservation and wildlife treasure, with its winding woodland paths and beautiful flowers, creating the perfect environment for our collection of native and formerly-native wildlife. Start your adventure by picking up a free visitor map, guiding you around over 200 acres of stunning parkland where guinea fowl and majestic peacocks roam freely. Meet rare red squirrels in our walk-through enclosure, test your orientation with our world-class beech hedge maze, and marvel at our birds of prey displays. Navigate the vast woodland, stumbling across our wildcat and lynx enclosures, and discover Jurassic Pork where wild boar and their piglets roll around in the mud! With a hidden playground, a heart-stopping drop slide and an indoor play barn all to be discovered, Wildwood Escot is the perfect place for a family day out.


Press Contact

Wildwood Escot
01404 822188
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Press Releases

Wildwood Escot celebrates nearby sighting of baby beaver

More Released on December 16, 2016

Wildwood Escot celebrates its first anniversary

More Released on August 5, 2016

Learn outdoors at Wildwood Escot

More Released on July 21, 2016