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Trustseed is a global SAS cybersecurity company dedicated to offering innovative solutions to keep sensitive data and information private and secure amid the digital renaissance. Founded in 2002 by Eric Blot-Lefevre, Trustseed promotes a new global and disruptive model for digital transactions by asserting trust, security and compliance using trinary systems to set a new standard for secure business transactions. TrustSeed was awarded the 2016 Seal of Excellence in Digital Security and Trust Architectures by the \"Commissioner for Regional Policy\" (Corina Creţu) and the \"Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation\" (Carlos Moedas) for its application of the trinary system to business-to-business networks (Seal of Excellence, Registered by the European Commission.


Press Contact

Stephane Amarger
+33 6 38 87 47 09
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Press Releases

Revolutionizing the Modern Marketplace: How Trustseed’s TrustIDValue Encryption is Promoting Ultra Secure Correspondence

More Released on November 10, 2021